Șocul turneului din Rusia s-a produs: Germania, campioana mondială en-titre, a fost eliminată încă din grupe, după o înfrângere usturătoare cu Coreea de Sud. A fost prima dată în istoria Campionatului Mondial când nemții s-au oprit în faza grupelor. Așa că lumea s-a repezit să marcheze momentul.
Mai întâi, faptele
This never happens. pic.twitter.com/NGHkP0tg8Z
— B/R Football (@brfootball) June 27, 2018
Four years and worlds apart… #WorldCup
2014 2018 pic.twitter.com/CTTzOyyA9L
— Match of the Day (@BBCMOTD) June 27, 2018
Apoi supărarea unor oameni învățați cu bucuriile din ultimii 12 ani – trei semifinale, o finală și titlul din Brazilia
Here's how fans reacted to Germany's #worldcup knockout
👉 https://t.co/VaRTqMNspy #KORGER pic.twitter.com/01BoxQ77qP— Match of the Day (@BBCMOTD) June 27, 2018
Thoughts of a nation. #GER pic.twitter.com/3TQqZMsjDA
— Match of the Day (@BBCMOTD) June 27, 2018
Și bucuria mexicanilor. Când a mai sărbătorit cineva așa după o înfrângere cu 3-0?
Currently in Mexico City… #MEX
[🎥 @catrino] pic.twitter.com/rqhciKe8gt
— COPA90 (@COPA90) June 27, 2018
O punere în context: apărarea titlului e treabă complicată. Ultimele trei campioane mondiale au plecat acasă din grupele turneului următor
Defending the World Cup is hard 👀 pic.twitter.com/xABhnGvWIV
— B/R Football (@brfootball) June 27, 2018
To those that dislike football, my thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) June 27, 2018
Loew made big errors at this #WorldCup, but if anyone’s earned the right to decide his own future, it’s him. Semi-finals or better at every other major tournament.
— Kevin Hatchard 🎙⚽️ (@kevinhatchard) June 27, 2018
I think there were problems across the board for Germany in this tournament but I can't get over how lethargic the likes of Ozil, Kroos, Muller and Khedira were this summer. Some tired, others out of form but all clearly lacking incentive.
— Stefan Bienkowski (@SBienkowski) June 27, 2018
Și poantele
"And then Neuer got tackled in the opposition's half and South Korea scored a second!" #WorldCup pic.twitter.com/EPjb4NU8Gd
— Match of the Day (@BBCMOTD) June 27, 2018
OUT. 😱 pic.twitter.com/cV8feye88Y
— B/R Football (@brfootball) June 27, 2018
#KORGER [1]-0 pic.twitter.com/BMKb7KJzMp
— Germany (@DFB_Team_EN) June 27, 2018
World Cup WhatsApp Group
Russia created GroupArgentina Joined
England Joined
Portugal Joined
Egypt Left
Saudi Arabia left
Iran Left
Nigeria left
Russia Made South Korea Admin
South Korea Removed Germany 🇩🇪
— Dennis Nyambane™ (@ItsNyambane) June 27, 2018
Very proud that Germany is joining @OnsOranje @azzurri and @BafanaBafana in their courageous boycott of the World Cup in Russia – together we are sending a powerful message to Putin 💪🏼 #GERKOR #FifaWorldCup2018 #dfb @welt
— Christian Putsch (@christianputsch) June 27, 2018
„One in a million” | Mulțumim, Helmuth Duckadam!
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